Friday, April 8, 2011

The Giving Nation

Here's something to feel good about...American individuals are more charitable than any other individuals in the world!
Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in people telling us how selfish we are; how rich and bigoted and small we are.  But I'd like to give you some hope; to look deeper at your fellow man.
I was watching a special by John Stossel titled "What's Great About America?".  He had some interesting stuff in there.  For instance, while the American government does give less than some countries (as a percentage of GDP), American individuals rank first out of 36 countries in giving.*  Think of the countries that have suffered tsunamis and earthquakes--Haiti and Japan--and all of the private sector American aide that has gone to those in need.
Did you know that Americans adopt more needy kids from foreign countries than all other countries combined!
Americans give twice as much of their individual income to charities as Canadians; and 10 times more than the French!
Think of the billions of hours of volunteer time that Americans give...everything from scout troops to building/repairing homes to collecting money/clothing to religious organizations...the list goes on and on!
Common sense and goodwill are at the heart of America.  I think that it stems from those first Pilgrims who came to Plymouth Rock so long ago.  Think of the community that needed to happen just for them to survive and eventually thrive to become what we are today.
So look around, find someone who could use your help, and thank your ancestors for the gift of a charitable heart!

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