Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Loose Change

Have you ever gotten to the end of a long day, reached into your pockets to empty them before slipping into your coziest pajamas, and suddenly realized that you gained five pounds during the day because of the change you've accumulated?  I mean, every time that you buy something with cash (which may not be too often any more, what with debit and credit cards), the cashier hands back a handful of pennies, nickels and dimes.  When Bob and I were first married, we acquired a large water know, the kind that sits on a dispenser in an office.  We would put our change from our pockets in there every night.  About a year later, we were able to purchase a new freezer for our basement from that change.  The clerk at the store wasn't very happy with us for making him count all that change!
Anyway, Bob has come up with an idea to save the government money and save the consumer a lot of hassle.  So the idea is to eliminate all pennies, nickels and quarters.  Everything would be rounded to the nearest dime.  The coins that you would carry (no, this plan does not eliminate the heavy pocket problem, but stick with me for a minute) would be the dime, fifty-cent piece and dollar coins.  We could therefore eliminate the dollar bill also.  According to, it costs 1.7 cents to produce a penny.  Let's do our part to save our country some money, and get rid of those pesky pennies at the same time!!

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