Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pants on the Ground

I've noticed a trend that started several years ago:  teenage boys wearing their pants around their hips instead of at their waist.  Now, I'm not one to criticize the latest fad; I'm certain that if you look back at pictures of my teenage years, you'll find some pretty funny-looking hair-dos (and don'ts), color schemes, etc.  But we are talking Common Sense here, and there are some things with this particular look that should be considered.
First and foremost, it's DANGEROUS!  The girls and I were in the car at a stoplight in Naperville a couple of years ago.  A teenage kid was waiting to walk across the street.  It was one of those really quick lights, so as he started across, the light changed.  He started to run, and as he ran across the street, in all of the traffic, his pants suddenly dropped all the way to his ankles!  So, he's tripping across the street, bent over, trying to pull up his pants and make it across the street before the traffic starts up!  If it hadn't been so dangerous, it would have been hilarious...ok, it was hilarious anyway :o)
Another problem with this particular trend is the whole underwear thing.  Seriously, no one wants to see your's called that for a reason:  to be worn UNDER your clothes!  When our girls were in the car watching that young man trying to cross the street, their mouths were dropped open to the floor as they watched his pants drop.  NOT exactly a PG family moment.
So please, consider some Common Sense before buying that next pair of pants.

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